Verdure: Health Science Journal 2024-04-24T01:37:08+00:00 Nurhasanah Open Journal Systems <p>Verdure: Health Science Journal is a scientific periodical journal, managed by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mutiara Mahakam Samarinda. It publishes once times a year. This journal is designed as a place of dissemination of information and scientific knowledge. It publishes original article. These comprise of biomedical sciences, clinical medicine, public health sciences, and medical science education.</p> GAMBARAN HASIL PEMERIKSAAN ESOFAGOGASTRODUODENOSKOPI PADA PENDERITA DISPEPSIA DI RSUD ABDOEL WAHAB SJAHRANIE SAMARINDA TAHUN 2021-2022 2024-04-07T05:42:15+00:00 Niken Nur Utami Yuniati Yuniati Ignatia Sinta Murti <p><em>Dyspepsia is a syndrome that consist of pain or discomfort in upper abdominal, bloating, nausea, vomitting, bletching, early satiation and post-prandial fullness. Dyspepsia cases in the world reach 13-40% of the total population every year. Dyspepsia is classified into functional dyspepsia and organic dyspepsia. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is one of the recommended diagnostic tools for dyspepsia. This study aims to determine the description of age, gender, main complaints and results of esophagogastroduodenoscopy examinations of dyspepsia patients at the Outpatient Installation of Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Regional Public Hospital Samarinda in 2021-2022. This study employed a descriptive observational design utilizing a cross-sectional method. Medical records were used to collect research data. The dyspepsia patients who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy examination were sampled using the purposive sampling approach, resulting in a total of 100 samples that satisfied the inclusion criteria. The results of the study showed that the age group with the highest representation of dyspepsia patients who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy was 41-60 years old (61%), the majority of patients were female (53%), the most common main complaint was epigastric pain (81%), and the most diagnosed esophagogastroduodenoscopy examination was gastritis (69%). In conclusion, patients with dyspepsia who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy were mostly aged 41-60 years, female, had the main complaint of epigastric pain, and the results of esophagogastroduodenoscopy examination was dominated by gastritis.</em></p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal GAMBARAN KECEMASAN MASYARAKAT KOTA SAMARINDA TERHADAP PERAWATAN GIGI DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 2024-04-07T05:42:15+00:00 Chairil Azhar Masyhudi Masyhudi Elliana Martalina <p><em>The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the paradigm shift in health services because of its massive and very fast spread throughout the world. Transmission of COVID-19 can occur through aerosols. Aerosols are very susceptible to being produced in dental practice. This condition causes anxiety in the community. The purpose of this research is to find out the description of the anxiety of the people of Samarinda City towards dental care during the COVID-19 pandemic based on age, gender, and education level, as well as solutions in handling anxiety. This research is a descriptive observational research with purposive random sampling method with a total of 384 respondents. The results of this study showed that 75.5% (290 respondents) experienced moderate anxiety 21.4% (82 respondents), and severe anxiety 3.1% (12 respondents). Based on male gender and level of higher education experienced mild anxiety, and only the early elderly age category experienced moderate anxiety.</em></p> 2024-04-07T05:05:26+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal GAMBARAN PENDERITA DEGENERASI MAKULA KARENA USIA DI KLINIK MATA SMEC SAMARINDA TAHUN 2018-2022 2024-04-07T05:42:15+00:00 A. Annisa Aulia Rimayanti Nur Khoma Fatmawati Indra Sukmana Putra <p><em>Age-related macular degeneration is a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting the macula in the retina. Risk factors include age, ocular factors, lifestyle, diet, nutrition, obesity, medical history, genetics, and other factors. Thisstudy aimed to provide an overview of age related macular degeneration types and comorbidities in patients with age-related macular degeneration at SMEC Samarinda Eye Clinic during the period 2018- 2022. The research was descriptivewith a cross-sectional approach, using secondary data from the medical records of an accessible population, namely 335 age related macular degeneration patients at SMEC Samarinda Eye Clinic from 2018 to 2022. The results of the study showed that the dry type of age related macular degeneration had 174 patients, wet type had 127 patients, and dry+wet had 5 patients. Comorbidities included hypertension in 79 patients, diabetes mellitus in 42 patients, HT+DM in 19 patients, and without comorbidities in 95 patients. In conclusion, the majority of age related macular degeneration patients had the dry type, and most did not have comorbidities.</em></p> 2024-04-07T05:07:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal GAMBARAN PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP ORANG TUA TENTANG PEMBERIAN VAKSINASI HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS SEBAGAI PENCEGAHAN KANKER SERVIKS 2024-04-07T05:42:15+00:00 Ainaya Salsabila Evi Fitriany Hary Nurgoro <p><em>Cervical cancer is a malignancy that specifically targets the cervix. Oncogenic Human Papillomavirus, particularly strains 16 and 18, is the primary factor responsible for cervical cancer. The total number of fatalities attributed to cervical cancer in 2020 was 342,000. Primary prevention, namely HPV vaccination, is recommended by the WHO for girls aged 9-14 years who have not yet engaged in sexual activity as an effective means to avoid cervical cancer. Parents play a vital role in granting authorization for their children to receive the vaccine. The objective of this study was to ascertain the characterization of parents' knowledge and attitudes pertaining to the vaccination against human papillomavirus for the prevention of cervical cancer. This study was a descriptive observational research conducted using a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique employed stratified random sampling. The data was derived from primary sources by administering a validated questionnaire that includes measures of knowledge, attitudes, and acceptability. According to the sample's characteristics, the largest proportion of parents fell within the age range of 36-45 years, representing 55.6% of the total. High school was the most prevalent educational attainment, representing 34.7% of the population. Housewife was the predominant occupation, representing 72.2% of the total. A total of 83.3% of participants have been informed about cervical cancer, while 66.7% have received information regarding HPV vaccination. A significant proportion of respondents, specifically 62.5%, exhibited low levels of understanding, while 59.7% of respondents displayed a negative attitude. Moreover, a significant majority of 80.6% expressed their willingness to immunize their children against HPV. These research findings indicate that most parents of students at 012 Public Elementary School North Samarinda show limited information and have negative perception towards HPV vaccination.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal GAMBARAN USIA, JENIS KELAMIN, DAN PENYAKIT PENYERTA PENDERITA CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME DI RSUD INCHE ABDOEL MOEIS SAMARINDA 2024-04-07T05:42:15+00:00 Khusnul Khotimah Yetty Octavia Hutahaean Abdul Mu'ti <p><em>Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a group of symptoms that arises as a result of compression in Nervus medianus that passes through the carpal tunnel and becomes the most common nerve entrapment syndrome. The high prevalence of CTS among the population, the varied possible etiologies underlying the occurrence of the CTS, as well as the absence of research that addresses the characteristics of patients with CTS in Samarinda based on researchers own knowledge are the reasons why researchers are interested in doing this research.. The study is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional design using 88 data obtained from the medical records of patients diagnosed with CTS at Inche Abdoel Moeis Hospital from January 2022 to December 2023. The results of this study showed that 40.9% of patients were aged 51 to 60 with a median age of 51 years, 71.6% were female, and 69.3% had no associated disease that was a risk factor for CTS.</em> <em>The conclusion of this study is that the majority of CTS patients at Inche Abdoel Moeis Hospital Samarinda are in the 51-60 year age group, are female, and do not have comorbidities that are risk factors for CTS.</em></p> 2024-04-07T05:38:37+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal HUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK IBU DENGAN PEMILIHAN METODE KONTRASEPSI DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS PEMBANTU SUKA MAJU 2024-04-21T18:23:40+00:00 Ida Remanti Tini Tini Elisa Goretti Sinaga Lukman Nurhakim <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Factors that influence a person's choice of contraceptive methods are seen from their characteristics, including age, level of education, and parity. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal characteristics and the choice of contraceptive methods in the Working Area of ​​the Suka Maju Health Center. Cross Sectional Research. The samples of this study were all contraceptive acceptors at the Suka Maju Aid Community Health Center totaling 154 people using a purposive sampling technique. The research instrument is a questionnaire of respondent data. The statistical test used is the Lambda Test and Contingency Coefficient Test. Statistical test results obtained significance values ​​for Age (ρ 0.004), Parity (ρ 0.455), and Education Level (ρ 0.255). There is a relationship between maternal age and the choice of contraceptive method in the Working Area of ​​the Suka Maju Health Center. Meanwhile, parity and education level showed no significant relationship. The community is advised to seek information from trusted sources, namely health workers so that the information obtained is not wrong.</em></p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRESS LEVELS AND COPING MECHANISMS AMONG CLASS IIA SAMARINDA PENITENTIARY OFFICERS 2024-04-07T05:42:15+00:00 Salsabila Ash Shugra Eka Yuni Nugrahayu Rahmat Bakhtiar <p><em>Stress is a person's reaction both physically and emotionally (mentally/psychically) if there is a change in the environment that requires a person to adapt. One of the causes of stress can come from the work environment. One of the jobs that is vulnerable to work stress is correctional institution employees. After stress appears, there will be a reaction of self-adaptation in dealing with stress, known as coping. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between stress levels and the coping mechanisms of Class II A Samarinda Correctional Institution officers. This research is an observational analytical study with a cross sectional approach carried out at the Class IIA Samarinda Correctional Institution. Data collection used primary data obtained from the results of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaire to determine stress levels and the Brief COPE Inventory (BCI) questionnaire to determine the coping mechanisms of Class IIA Samarinda Correctional Institution officers. The research results were obtained from 57 respondents, the level of stress most frequently experienced by respondents was moderate stress with a total of 43 respondents (75.4%), while the most widely used coping mechanism was adaptive coping mechanism with a total of 41 respondents (71.9 In the test The Chi-Square value (p-value) was obtained at 0.000. So, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between stress levels and the coping mechanisms of Class IIA Samarinda Correctional Institution officers</em></p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal PERBEDAAN SIKAP TINDAKAN DAN PENGETAHUAN KESEHATAN GIGI DAN MULUT PADA MAHASISWA KEDOKTERAN GIGI DENGAN KEDOKTERAN UMUM 2024-04-07T05:42:15+00:00 Tsafirra Alfaris Listiyawati Listiyawati Indriana Dwi Kuntari <p><em>Health is of the utmost importance in human life, both physical and mental health. Beside physical health in general, it is also necessary to observe dental and oral health since dental and oral health is one of the important health factors in maintaining physical health balance. treatments, actions, and knowledge are an integral part in maintaining dental and oral health. According to Basic Health Research (Riset Kesehatan Dasar – Riskesdas) of East Kalimantan in 2018, 61.73% of the population of Samarinda suffered from dental and oral disease, 60.54% of which was in the 18-24 years age group, and 62.45% of the 18-24 years age group were still university students. Thus, the writer felt encouraged to investigate the differences in treatments, actions, and knowledge regarding dental and oral health between dental medicine students and medicine students. This research is a quantitative analytical observational study using simple random sampling method to retrieve the samples. The 226 respondents selected as samples were dental medicine students and medicine students. This research used treatments, actions, and knowledge questionnaires. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 26. The result showed that there were significant differences in treatments, actions, and knowledge regarding dental and oral health between dental medicine students and medicine students.</em></p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal PROFIL PASIEN OSTEOMIELITIS YANG DIRAWAT PADA BAGIAN BEDAH ORTOPEDI RSUD AJI MUHAMMAD PARIKESIT 2024-04-07T05:42:15+00:00 Kevyn Maizhul Emmanuello Nainggolan Yadi Gregorius Tekwan <p><em>Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory condition of the bones and bone marrow caused by infection with microorganisms. This disease can cause serious damage to bone structures and requires intensive medical attention. Osteomyelitis is divided into acute, sub-acute and chronic osteomyelitis. In Indonesia, osteomyelitis is still a problem because the level of hygiene is still low and understanding of treatment is not good, diagnosis is delayed, resulting in chronic osteomyelitis. The research seeks to provide an overview of osteomyelitis patients treated at Aji Muhammad Parikesit Regional Hospital from January 2019 to July 2023. The research method used was descriptive observational with a cross-sectional design approach. There is no intervention or treatment given to this variable, but this research focuses on observing the phenomena that occur in this population. Based on research results, the majority of osteomyelitis patients treated at the Orthopedic Surgery Department of Aji Muhammad Parikesit Hospital experienced infections at the bone location in the cruris and the patient's history of implant placement was also a risk factor for osteomyelitis. This study provides an in-depth description of age, gender, patient diagnosis, history of DM, bone location, history of bone implants, and administration of antibiotics in osteomyelitis patients at Aji Muhammad Parikesit Regional Hospital. This information can form the basis for developing strategies for the management and prevention of osteomyelitis in the future.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Osteomyelitis, age, gender, DM, bone location, bone implants, antibiotics.</em></p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN SIRIH TANAH TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BAKTERI PORPHYROMONAS GINGIVALIS 2024-04-07T05:42:16+00:00 Ranya Olivia Cicih Bhakti Purnamasari Alhawaris Alhawaris <p><em>inflammatory response, and being called the "keystone" of the periodontal pathogen. Sirih tanah leaves (Piper sarmentosum Roxb Ex Hunter) contains phytochemical compounds that have antibacterial effects. <strong>Objective: </strong>To determine antibacterial activity of sirih tanah (Piper sarmentosum Roxb Ex Hunter) leaves extract on the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria. <strong>Method: </strong>The Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method with a post test only control group research design. Sirih tanah (Piper sarmentosum Roxb Ex Hunter) leaves extract with concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% was tested against Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 on Blood Agar Plate. Then, repeted the test 5 times. <strong>Result: </strong>The results showed there were no inhibition zone was formed around the disc of sirih tanah leaves ethanol extract (Piper sarmentosum Roxb Ex Hunter) in all concentrations. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>sirih tanah leaves ethanol extract (Piper sarmentosum Roxb Ex Hunter) does not have antibacterial activity on the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis, by the absence of an inhibitory zone around the disc.</em></p> 2024-04-07T05:06:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DAN MOTIVASI SUAMI DENGAN PEMILIHAN METODE KONTRASEPSI JANGKA PANJANG DI PUSKESMAS PEMBANTU DESA SEDULANG 2024-04-24T01:37:08+00:00 Shella Anwar Wiyadi Wiyadi Siti Raihanah Tini Tini <pre><em><span lang="EN-US">Family planning is a strategy for managing child birth. Government policy encourages acceptors to use MKJP. Factors that influence the use of long-term contraceptive methods (MKJP) are husband's knowledge and motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between husband's knowledge and motivation and the choice of long-term contraception methods at the Sedulang Village Health Center. Cross sectional research. The sample of the study was 42 people who were Couples of Reproductive Age using the Total Sampling technique. The independent variables are the husband's knowledge and motivation. The dependent variable of the research is the selection of MKJP. The research instrument is a husband's knowledge and motivation questionnaire. The statistical test used was the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test. The results of statistical tests using the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test obtained a ρvalue of 0.000 &lt;α 0.05. High knowledge and strong motivation will influence someone in making decisions, especially the decision to choose contraceptives. MKJP is more used by PUS who have strong knowledge and motivation. There is a relationship between the husband's knowledge and motivation and the choice of long-term contraceptive methods at the Sedulang Village Health Center. Health workers are expected to be able to provide health education to couples of childbearing age in order to increase their knowledge and motivation to use MKJP.</span></em></pre> 2024-04-24T01:33:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Verdure: Health Science Journal