Jurnal Kebidanan Mutiara Mahakam 2024-12-25T09:46:50+00:00 Nurhasanah Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Kebidanan Mutiara Mahakam (p-ISSN 2549-0532 ; <a href=";1533344917&amp;901&amp;&amp;">e-ISSN 2623-2553</a>) Jurnal yang terbit setiap 6 bulan sekali yaitu pada bulan Maret dan September. Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal yang di kelola STIKES Mutiara Mahakam Samarinda yang mempublikasikan hasil penelitian di bidang kebidanan seperti;</p> <ol> <li class="show">Kehamilan</li> <li class="show">Persalinan</li> <li class="show">masa nifas</li> <li class="show">Bayi dan balita</li> <li class="show">kesehatan reproduksi</li> <li class="show">kesehatan remaja</li> <li class="show">Keluarga Berencana dan;</li> <li class="show">lansia&nbsp;</li> </ol> Profil Penderita Sinusitis Maksilaris di RSUD Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda Tahun 2016-2020 2024-12-25T09:46:50+00:00 Astria Virginia Uspa Sinar Yani Endang Sawitri <p><em>Sinusitis is one of the health problems that has increased significantly and has an impact on people's financial expenditures. Sinusitis is an inflammation involving the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of patients with maxillary sinusitis in RSUD Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda in 2016-2020. This descriptive observational study used 142 secondary data in the form of patient medical record data. The results showed that 2 people 11 years old (1.4%), 12-25 years old as many as 30 people (21.1%), 26-45 years old as many as 61 people (43%), 46 years old as many as 49 people ( 34.5%). There were 86 women (60.6%), male as many as 56 people (39.4%). Not working as many as 60 people (42.3%), students as many as 18 people (12.7%), civil servants as many as 14 people (9.9%), private sector as many as 50 people (35.2%). Types of dentogen sinusitis as many as 86 people (60.6%), rhinogen as many as 56 people (39.4%). The main complaint was fever as many as 1 person (0.7%), mucopurulent discharge with a foul smelling as many as 103 people (72.5%), headache as many as 24 people (16.9%), tooth pain as many as 14 people (9.9% ). The right side affected as many as 48 people (33.8%), the left side affected as many as 59 people (41.5%), right and left sides were affected as many as 35 people (24.6%). It was concluded that maxillary sinusitis was mostly experienced by women aged 26-45 years old, did not work, the type was dentogen with the main complaint of mucopurulent discharge that had a foul odor and was most often affected on the left side.</em></p> 2024-12-25T09:45:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Astria Virginia Uspa, Sinar Yani, Endang Sawitri Profil Penderita Hipertensi dengan Manifestasi Rongga Mulut di RSUD Abdoel Wahab Syahranie Samarinda Periode 2016-2020 2024-12-25T09:46:50+00:00 Apriana Apriana Sinar Yani Endang Sawitri <p><em>Background:</em><em> Hypertension is a manifestation of multi-factor hemodynamic balance disorders. Many treatments for hypertension have been proven to be effective, but there are some side effects that can be experienced due to the use of antihypertensive drugs, one of which can occur in the oral cavity</em><em>. Purpose: This research aims to investigate the profile of hypertensive patients with oral manifestations at Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Regional Public Hospital, Samarinda, from 2016 to 2020. Method: This research employed descriptive observational </em><em>the data were analyzed univariately using 45 secondary data in the form of medical records of hypertensive patients with oral manifestations</em><em>. Results: </em><em>The results showed that ages ranging from 18-24=0, 25-34=0, 35-44=9, 45-54=15, 55-64=16, 65-74=5, 75=0. Gender in male=27, female= 18. Education D3=3, S1=12, S2=2. Job not working=8, household head=6, PNS/POLRI/TNI=9, self-employed=16, farmer/fisherman/labor=1, retired=4, others=1. Antihypertensive drugs amlodipine=37, captopril = 5, furosemide=3. Hypertensive patients with oral manifestations xerostomia=0, gingival hyperplasia=8, lichenoid reaction=0, stomatitis=8, periodontitis=20, gingivitis=9. Treatment of scaling and root planning=36, mouthwash= 8. It was concluded that the majority were aged 55-64, in males, at Strata 1 tertiary education, self-employed occupations, antihypertensive drugs which were often taken amlodipine, in hypertensive patients with frequent manifestations of periodontitis, and the treatment of scaling and root planning.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Apriana Apriana, Sinar Yani, Endang Sawitri