Autism is taken from the word "auto" which means alone. This shows that autistic children are playing with their own world. Autism has several disorders, one of which is disruption in the process of digestion of food. Casein and gluten are proteins that cannot be digested optimally in children with autism spectrum disorders. Peptides from casein and gluten attach to opioid receptors in the brain and eventually there is a behavior change that becomes the basis for measuring the severity of symptoms in children with autism. The design of this study was an observational analytic study with a cohort approach. It was conducted from February to March 2021, which consisted of 42 sampling. The data used are primary data by interviewing by cell phone to parents respondents. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling by means of purposive of children with autism who are undergoing therapy at the Autism Service Center in Samarinda. The instrument in this study was a food frequency questionnaire and the childhood autism rating scale. The results of this study used the chi-square test and obtained p <0.005. Based on the results of the symptom severity, 55% experienced an increase in the severity of the symptoms. Based on the results of casein and gluten consumption patterns, it was found that 52.5% experienced an increase in casein and gluten consumption. This study concluded that there was a significant relationship between casein and gluten consumption and the severity of symptoms of children with autism at the Autism Service Center in Samarinda.
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