Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the acute complications of hyperglycemic crises from diabetes mellitus (DM). DKA cases have seen an increase in hospitalization and mortality rates over past years. Studies of DKA in Indonesian are still limited and usually found in certain hospitals with relatively high mortality findings. This study aims to describe the characteristics of DKA patients at Regional Hospital Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda 2017 – 2020 period. This study used a descriptive observational design and identification patient medical records. Variables studied including age, gender, type of DM, history of infection, severity of DKA, and mortality. Sample in this study amounted to 59 patients and were taken using the total sample method. This studies found two thirds of the patients were in the adult age group (>18 – 60 years old) (67,8%), were female (66,7%), and had DM type 2 (67,8%). Almost all patients (93,2%) had a history of infection that precipitated DKA. A total of 9 (15,2%) and 46 (78%) patients had moderate and severe DKA. Amount 23 of 59 (39%) patients died during admissions. Most of DKA patients are adult age group, female, had DM type 2, and experience severe DKA. The rate of infection history and mortality of DKA patients in this study were relatively high compared to other studies.
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