Sepsis is the major cause of baby and child death around the world. Sepsis occurrences have risen in the last 30-40 years, both in advanced and developing countries. Several factors that play roles in the mortality of sepsis in children include host factors, causative microorganisms, early diagnosis, and the treatment given. This study aims to understand the description of factors correlated with sepsis on the pediatric patient at Abdul Wahab Syahranie Regional Public Hospital Samarinda. This study is categorized as a descriptive study and the sample was chosen with purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 38 pediatric patients diagnosed with sepsis taken from medical records data of Abdul Wahab Syahranie Regional Public Hospital Samarinda. The results showed that most patients with sepsis were at the age of 1 month - < 2 years (50%), the number of female patients (53%) were more than male patients (47%), the highest nutritional status was in children with normal nutrition ( 45%), malnutrition (42%), patients with an increased neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (37%), and pediatric sepsis patients with comorbidities (74%). Hopefully, the results of this research will be useful information and additional insights into the development of science, especially in medical science
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