• Firdausya Nur Mufidah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman
  • Swandari Laboratorium Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Mulawarman
  • marwan Laboratorium Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Mulawarman
Keywords: COVID-19;, East Kalimantan;, Gender;, Age;


East Kalimantan is one of the provinces with the sixth most COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. The high mobility of the population is one of the factors for the increase in COVID-19 cases. This study is a descriptive study that aims to determine differences in COVID-19 cases in the period March-May 2020 and October-December 2020 based on confirmed cases and deaths, and to find out the description of gender and age in COVID-19 patients for the period March-May 2020. The sample in this study used the total sampling method where the data was sourced from press releases of COVID-19 cases. The results showed that confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 in the period October-December 2020 experienced a significant difference (p value = 0.000) when compared to the period March-May 2020. In March-May 2020, the average daily addition of confirmed cases was 3.93 cases. While in October-December 2020, the average daily addition of cases was 200.26 cases. In March-May 2020 the average daily death was 0.04 cases and in October-December it was 4.46 cases. By gender, COVID-19 was more common in men (81.4%). In terms of age, most of the cases were at the age of 40-49 years (25.8%).

Keywords: COVID-19, East Kalimantan, Gender, Age.


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