Malaria is an infectious disease which is considered as a health issue in Indonesia. Plasmodium falciparum, a type of plasmodium species, causes the worst manifestation and considerably high mortality rate of patients with malaria. Thrombocytopenia and anemia are two most common hematological abnormalities observed in patients with malaria. Several studies have reported that thrombocytopenia and anemia are associated with level of malaria. This study aims to find the correlation between thrombocytopenia and anemia level among patients with falciparum malaria at RSUD Panglima Sebaya Paser. It used analytical observational method with cross sectional design. The subjects were selected based on patient’s medical record at Panglima Sebaya Paser Hospital Installation from 2015 to 2019. A total of 40 patients with falciparum malaria were divided into 20 patients without complications and 20 patients with complications. The research data were tested using chi square bivariate analysis. The results showed that 37 patients (92.5%) were diagnosed with thrombocytopenia and 29 patients (72.5%) were diagnosed with anemia. Chi-square analysis result toward falciparum malaria patients without any complications was p=0,438 (p<0,05) which statistically indicated that thrombocytopenia and anemia level had no correlation. Meanwhile, chi-square analysis toward falciparum malaria patients with complications was p=0,024 (p<0,05). Next, correlation test was carried out and resulted in r = 0,525. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that there is a moderately significant correlation between thrombocytopenia and level of anemia among falciparum malaria patients with complications at RSUD Panglima Sebaya Paser.
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