The incidence and mortality of breast cancer ranks second and fifth in the world. No Special Type (NST) invasive breast cancers is found in about 70-80% of all invasive breast cancers and has worse prognosis than other types. Currently, prognostic factors have been developed, one of them is Ki-67. Ki-67 is a protein-nucleus known as the marker of cell proliferation rate. This study aims to determine the correlation between histologic grade towards the expression of Ki-67 in NST invasive breast cancer patients. An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda by using 61 subjects. The histologic grade and Ki-67 expression were recorded from medical records. The results showed a correlation between histologic grade with Ki-67 (p=0.029). Histologic grade is significantly correlated with Ki-67 expression. It can be concluded that the worse the histologic grade of the breast cancer is, the higher the expression of Ki-67 will be.
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