• Nandha Shellviana Harun Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman
  • Yuniati Yuniati 2Laboratorium Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Mulawarman
  • Ahmad Wisnu Wardhana
Keywords: Acute Diarrhea, Under-Five Children, Nutritional Status, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Rotavirus Vaccination


Diarrhea is an increased frequency of bowel movements with loose stools. The under-five age group is the group with the highest prevalence of diarrhea. Diarrhea has several risk factors, e.g., poor nutritional status and poor personal hygiene. Exclusive breastfeeding and rotavirus vaccination are protective factors that can prevent diarrhea. Also, some research mentions that age and gender can also influence the occurrence of acute diarrhea. This research aims to investigate the delineation of characteristics of acute diarrhea in under-five pediatric patients at Lempake Public Health Centre (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat – Puskesmas), Samarinda, based on age, gender, nutritional status, exclusive breastfeeding history, and rotavirus vaccination history. This research is a descriptive research. 54 under-five pediatric patients were selected as samples using purposive sampling method in matching the determined criteria for sample selection in this research. The result obtained from this research are as follows: the majority of under-five pediatric patients with acute diarrhea at Lempake Public Health Centre, Samarinda, were in the age group of 12-23 months (27.8%), with normal nutritional status (68.5%), did not receive exclusive breastfeeding (51.9%), and had not received rotavirus vaccination (81.5%).


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