The Correlation between Internet Addiction and Depression in Students of Medicine Study Program at Mulawarman University

  • Rizki Pratama Nurbi Dayatulah Mulawarman Universty
  • Yenny Abdullah
  • Muhammad Khairul Nuryanto
Keywords: Internet Addiction, Depression, Medical Students, PHQ-9, IAT


Internet has brought the era of revolutionized patterns of interaction and communication in society. A very strong impulse to use internet can lead to problematic internet use followed by its impacts. This research aims to assess the correlation between internet addiction and depression level in students of medicine study program at Mulawarman University. Using consecutive method in sampling, 232 respondents were selected from this research that also fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The evaluation of internet addiction was performed using Addiction Internet Test Indonesian Version (IAT – Ina) questionnaire and the evaluation of depression was performed using Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). The statistical test used in this research was Spearmen correlation test. 71.5% respondents had internet addiction with the following composition: 56.8% had mild internet addiction, 14.4% had moderate internet addiction, and 0.5% had severe internet addiction. Meanwhile, 59.5% respondents had depression with the following composition: 28.8% had depression symptoms, 18.0% had mild depression, 10.4% had moderate depression, and 2.3% had severe depression. The result showed that there was a significant correlation between internet addiction and depression with p-value of 0.000 and R value of 0.461. Thus, from this research, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between internet addiction and depression in students of medicine study program at Mulawarman University.


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