Percentage of body fat is one aspect that can be used to determine the presence or absence of nutritional problems. The percentage of body fat depends on the type of physical activity carried out daily and the diet consumed. Unbalanced food intake and physical activity can lead to health problems such as an increase in body fat percentage. If a person's body fat percentage is higher than normal, it means that the person's body fat mass is excessive. Excess body fat is stored in the fat tissue under the skin, around and even into the tissues of the organs. Excess body fat leads to obesity. This study aims to determine the relationship between food intake and physical activity with the percentage of body fat in students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mulawarman. This type of research was analytic observational with cross sectional design. The population in this study were students of the Faculty of Medicine, Medical Education Study Program, Dentistry Education, and Nursing at Mulawarman University who live in Samarinda. The research subjects were selected by purposive sampling method in order to obtain 106 subjects. Data were collected using a 24-hour Food Recall questionnaire and a Baecke physical activity questionnaire as well as a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) tool to measure body fat percentage. Statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test. The results of the study showed a relationship between food intake and body fat percentage (p = 0.000), there was no relationship between physical activity and body fat percentage (p = 0.163). In conclusion, food intake is related to body fat percentage, but there is no relationship between physical activity and body fat percentage.
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