An analysis is needed to assess the implementation of the management information system in the intensive care unit which has not been evaluated since September 2015. At the same time to find out the benefits, obstacles and quality of the hospital management information system since it is implemented in the intensive care unit of Hospital in Samarinda. Purpose of this research was analyzing the program application implementation of the hospital management information in the intensive care unit of Hospital in Samarinda. Quantitative Descriptive Research Design with qualitative. Data sources were collected using observations, in-depth interviews and document review related to hospital management information systems in the intensive care unit of Hospital in Samarinda. Results from this study it was found that the application of the SIMRS application program in the ICU was useful, there were obstacles and the quality was good. Conclusion was The application of the SIMRS application program in the ICU is useful, although not yet optimal, has several obstacles that are mainly sourced from human resources and support systems of the SIMRS application program and the quality is good but can be improved.
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