• Annisa Fitriani Fakultas Kedokteran Unmul
  • Gusti Hesty Nuraini
  • Agustina Rahayu Magdaleni
  • Novia Fransiska Ngo
  • Ika Fikriah
Keywords: cesarean section, characteristic, age, parity, medical indications


In Indonesia, the percentage of deliveries by cesarean section continues to increase from 7% in
2007 to 17% in 2017. Factors affecting cesarean delivery are maternal age, parity, and medical
indications. Cesarean deliveries are typically only carried out when medically necessary due to
maternal, fetal, or a combination of the two factors. This study aims to determine the mother's
characteristics and the indications for cesarean delivery at Abdul Wahab Sjahranie General
Hospital, Samarinda. This research is a descriptive study using secondary data in 2020. In this
study, 410 cesarean section patients were sampled using a total sampling technique. According
to the findings of this study, the majority of cesarean section patients (71.2%) were between
the ages of 20 and 35, mothers with multiparity (37.1%), maternal factors (76.3%), and former
SC (22.7%). Fifty patients (12.2%) had medical indications for fetal factors, primarily due to
malpresentation (19.1%). In as many as 47 patients (11.5%), the medical indications of the
combined factors included mother and fetus, the majority of whom were former SC, and
malpresentation (19.1%). With the rising prevalence of cesarean section, it is hoped that
pregnant women will be able to check their pregnancy and childbirth complications on a regular
basis. Other variables related to cesarean section delivery can be added by future researchers.
Keywords: cesarean section, characteristics, age, parity, medical indications.


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