Concentration is an ability to direct the mind and devote one’s focus and attention to the task at hand. Caffeine consumption can increase an individual’s learning concentration. This research aims to investigate the correlation between caffeine consumption and students’ learning concentration. This research used descriptive analytical approach with cross-sectional study design. 100 students were selected as samples using one of non-probability sampling methods, i.e., accidental sampling, as the selection method. The data were gathered using questionnaires. Then, the data were analyzed using Pearson’s Chi-Square test. The result showed that 65 students had mild coffee/caffeine consumption, 37 students had adequate level of concentration in studying, and the correlation between caffeine consumption and students’ learning concentration was indicated by p-value of 0.033 (p < 0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between coffee/caffeine consumption and students’ learning concentration at Mulawarman University
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