• Ridwan Dwianto universitas mulawarman
  • Yetty O. Hutahaean Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Mulawarman
  • Sjarif Ismail Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Mulawarman
Keywords: Neck Pain, Position, Duration, Smartphone, Student


Smartphones have rapidly evolved into an essential piece of equipment for the majority of individuals. It is believed that more than 100 million individuals in Indonesia have smartphones in their possessions at any given time. Students in the Faculty of Medicine at Mulawarman University are in their late adolescence years, and they rely heavily on their mobile devices for a variety of reasons, including supporting their academic endeavors and other requirements. The usage of cellphones in non-ergonomic positions for extended periods of time can have harmful consequences, one of which being neck pain. The purpose of this study is to examine among smartphone use position, duration and neck pain disability among students of Faculty of Medicine, Mulawarman University. This study is an analytical observational study that uses a cross-sectional design, and the sampling strategy that was used to pick the sample was consecutive sampling. The overall sample comprised of 178 Mulawarman University Faculty of Medicine students from the 2019, 2020, and 2021 cohorts. In the form of a questionnaire, primary sources provided the data that was used in this study. The Fisher's Exact test was utilized in the analysis that was carried out. The analysis of the data consisted of univariate and bivariate analyses respectively. Only 22 of the participants in the study (12.36%) reported having neck pain, 121 participants (67.98%) said they used their smartphones when lying down, and 168 participants (94.38%) said they used their smartphones for more than three hours. With a p-value of 0.782 (p>0.05), this study indicates that there is no correlation between the position in which a smartphone is used and the disability caused by neck pain. Additionally, this study reveals that there is no correlation between the length of time a smartphone is used (p=0.829) and the disability caused by neck pain.


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