Covid-19 vaccination is a global effort to address the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic that is spreading worldwide. In Indonesia, the government has implemented a national vaccination program aimed at achieving herd immunity and reducing the number of Covid-19 cases. However, despite Covid-19 vaccination being one of the ways to reduce the spread of the virus, some individuals still feel worried, anxious, and hesitant about the vaccination. This study aims to describe the level of anxiety among individuals scheduled to receive the Covid-19 vaccination at Sungai Siring Samarinda Community Health Center using a descriptive approach with total sampling technique. The study utilizes the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale questionnaire to measure the level of anxiety among individuals scheduled for Covid-19 vaccination at Sungai Siring Samarinda Community Health Center. In this study, a total of 32 research samples were collected between January 22nd and February 4th, 2023, at Sungai Siring Community Health Center. The results of the study show that the majority of individuals experienced mild anxiety, with 13 participants (40.6%) choosing the anxious feeling option. Additionally, the study also found that the majority of individuals did not experience fear, with 19 participants (59.4%).
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