• Ummu Kultsum Universitas Mulawarman
  • Ahmad Wisnu Wardhana Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Mulawarman
  • Hoopmen Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Mulawarman
Keywords: Anthropometric status, Ventricular Septal Defect, Tetralogy of Fallot


Thalassemia, a prevalent genetic blood illness worldwide, arises due to anomalies within the hematological system. Delayed growth and development is a frequently reported concern among individuals diagnosed with thalassemia. Furthermore, hematological analyses conducted on individuals with thalassemia can serve as a valuable tool in verifying the diagnosis, as well as evaluating other developmental issues. These examinations encompass the measurement of several parameters, such as Hb, MCV, RBC, RDW, Mentzer Index, and RDW Index. The objective of this study is to assess the anthropometric status and hematological values among children patients with thalassemia.. The study used a descriptive observational design employing a cross-sectional technique, which was done in June 2023 at Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Hospital Samarinda. The researchers acquired secondary data from the medical records of patients. The sampling procedure employed in this study utilized a total sampling method, yielding a total of 32 samples. The research findings indicate that the predominant nutritional status observed among individuals with thalassemia is normal, as determined by the weight-for-age index. This accounts for 56.3% of the patient population. Additionally, a significant proportion of patients, specifically 53.1%, exhibit stunted and severely stunted when assessed using the height-for-age index. Furthermore, a majority of thalassemia patients, amounting to 65.6%, demonstrate good nutritional status as determined by the weight-for-height. The study also reveals pre-transfusion hematological parameters in patients who received blood transfusions, including Hb levels <9 g/dL (75%), MCV <80 fL (71.9%), RBC <4 million/µL (78.1%), RDW >14.5% (87.5%), Mentzer Index >13 (87.5%), and RDW Index >220 (96.9%).

Keywords: Thalassemia, anthropometric status, hematological values


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