• Andhi David Mahendra Program Studi Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Mulawarman
  • Saiful Rokhim Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman
  • Riries Choiru P.Y Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman
Keywords: malocclusion, psychosocial status, young adult, IOTN-AC, PIDAQ


Malocclusion is an anomaly caused oral function and aesthetics and required treatment if it disturbing someone by physically, function and psychosocial. Young adult is a period of a person looking for identity so that the appearance of the face and teeth are very influential regard to their social relations. Several studies have found the role of malocclusion in rendering negative impact on young adult psychosocial status. The aim of this research was to known the relation of malocclusion on psychosocial status of young adult college student Mulawarman University. This research is observational analytic research and selection sample by simple random sampling and count samples by proportioned stratified sampling. The sample of this research came from thirteen faculty with 31.749 total populations and 400 samples. Then college student asked to filling out the PIDAQ questionnaire to identify the relation of malocclusion on their psychosocial status and asked to filling IOTN-AC to identify severity of malocclusion. Data were analized by using SPSS (Chi-Square). The results showed a correlation between malocclusion and the psychosocial status of young adult in Mulawarman University Students. Researchers concluded that the heavier malocclusion condition, the more likely it is to have an effect on psychosocial status.


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