• Ainaya Salsabila Program Studi Kedokteran, FakuItas Kedokteran, Universitas MuIawarman
  • Evi Fitriany Universitas Mulawarman
  • Hary Nurgoro Universitas Mulawarman
Keywords: Keywords: HPV vaccination, parents, knowledge, attitudes


Cervical cancer is a malignancy that specifically targets the cervix. Oncogenic Human Papillomavirus, particularly strains 16 and 18, is the primary factor responsible for cervical cancer. The total number of fatalities attributed to cervical cancer in 2020 was 342,000. Primary prevention, namely HPV vaccination, is recommended by the WHO for girls aged 9-14 years who have not yet engaged in sexual activity as an effective means to avoid cervical cancer. Parents play a vital role in granting authorization for their children to receive the vaccine. The objective of this study was to ascertain the characterization of parents' knowledge and attitudes pertaining to the vaccination against human papillomavirus for the prevention of cervical cancer. This study was a descriptive observational research conducted using a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique employed stratified random sampling. The data was derived from primary sources by administering a validated questionnaire that includes measures of knowledge, attitudes, and acceptability. According to the sample's characteristics, the largest proportion of parents fell within the age range of 36-45 years, representing 55.6% of the total. High school was the most prevalent educational attainment, representing 34.7% of the population. Housewife was the predominant occupation, representing 72.2% of the total. A total of 83.3% of participants have been informed about cervical cancer, while 66.7% have received information regarding HPV vaccination. A significant proportion of respondents, specifically 62.5%, exhibited low levels of understanding, while 59.7% of respondents displayed a negative attitude. Moreover, a significant majority of 80.6% expressed their willingness to immunize their children against HPV. These research findings indicate that most parents of students at 012 Public Elementary School North Samarinda show limited information and have negative perception towards HPV vaccination.



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